photo: Nino Felbab • Utstein Kloster • Mosterøy, Norway • august 2023

Critically acclaimed for a “rich, natural sound that’s larger and more complex than the sum of its parts,” (NPR) and as “singers of superb musicianship and vocal allure” (The New Yorker), New York Polyphony is one of the foremost vocal chamber ensembles active today. Their innovative programming spans Gregorian chant to contemporary commissions, and their focus on familiar and rare works of the 12-17th centuries has helped bring early music to modern audiences.

the singing of New York Polyphony

…is unfailingly pure and even.

The Guardian (UK)

Each individual voice is beautifully produced

…and the blend and tuning are exemplary.

Early Music America

Perfektion aus der Neuen Welt

Perfection from the New World

Mittelbayerische Zeitung

The four singers perform with exquisite blend,

spot-on intonation, and penetrating tone.

The Denver Post

une cohésion parfaite

…qui se traduit par un souffle commun, une justesse sans faille, un phrasé partagé, une homogénéité des dynamiques.

Perfect cohesion that translates into a common breath, unfailing accuracy, shared phrasing, homogeneity of dynamics.

La Croix

a rich, natural sound

…that’s larger and more complex than the sum of its parts.

National Public Radio

Makellose Kirchenmusik von Grammy-Nominierten

Eigentlich möchte man über die Byrd-Interpretationen und all die andern gar nicht schreiben, weil einem die Worte zu dürftig vorkommen, um sie adäquat zu fassen.

Impeccable church music by GRAMMY nominees… Actually, you don’t want to write about the Byrd interpretations and all the others, because words seem to be too meager to adequately describe them.

Gmünder Tagespost, August 2023
Wolfgang Nußbaumer – Schwäbisch Gmünd

beautifully blended voices

…of individual distinction

The Independent (UK)

Glasklar, ausgewogen und rein

…dabei vereinen sich die vier vokalen Individuen, dass man geradezu von einem lebendigen Organismus sprechen möchte. Hier wird Polyphonie zum Erlebnis und steht dabei vollkommen schwerelos im Raum

Crystal clear, well-balanced and pure…thereby, the four vocal individuals unite in a way that you almost can speak about one living organism. Here, polyphony becomes an experience and floats completely weightless in the air.

Allgemeine Zeitung, 2023
Jan-Geert Wolff – Mainz

next performance

March 8, 2025 at 5:00 pm

University of Oklahoma School of Music

Sharp Concert Hall
Catlett Music Center
500 West Boyd
Norman, OK 73019

IMC Tenor-Bass Choral Consortium

1 PM Session with students
5 PM Concert

All concert sessions are open to the public free of charge, no tickets required. Registration is required for attendance at interest sessions and reading sessions.

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